Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Beautiful Music

Lauren's band concert was last night-and it was WONDERFUL!!! I am always so proud of her:) Abigail got to go along and she seemed to really enjoy it. I hope she and Lauren can remain close as they get older!! I'm a lucky mommy..and Shannie (to Abigail)!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

it has already started!!!

Okay-it is not even 8:00 and people are already convinced to be hateful!! So far I'm noticing it rather than being bothered by it-so better start to the day!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Misery Loves Company

It amazes me more and more as I get older how people (adults who should know better) thrive on putting others down. More often than not I can be in a great mood-and somebody comes along BOUND & DETERMINED to rain on my parade. STOP IT!!! And more importantly, self, stop allowing it to happen. I have had SO much (what I call) DEAP time lately...Drop Everything And Pray...but I still am discouraged with myself that I allow things under my skin before I get there. I shouldn't let things frustrate me so-but I'm only human. I know my prayers should be that I hope for others to escape the urge to bring down others...(Once again-only human) that is my goal. (And I could use your thoughts & prayers please) Nobody (and their satan driven hatred/behaviors) should EVER fluster me!!! Here's to turning over a new leaf. Along with prayers for myself/friends/family...I need to think of those who do not always please me. They need it too!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We have some good news!

Every kid who went on an audition for the school play will get a part!!! BRILLIANT!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Part II

Lauren made it through her audition:) I am SO proud of her for giving it a shot..I think we'll find out in a couple days (?) Either way I'm proud of her for the takes nerve to even audition!!

Good Luck Lauren!!

I am sitting in the hall at Lauren's school while she has her audition for the play!! She has to sing and go through some lines...she is SO nervous!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Do the kids need training...or is it the parents?

WOW....Lauren and I went out to dinner this evening, and there were two little boys running, yelling and jumping ALL over the place! At first I was thinking what little stinkers they were, and the poor parents that have to curb that behavior. WELL...we saw one of the parents-and he was doing nothing of the sort!! He was on his cell phone nearly the entire time. By the end of their dinner, my pitty was for the kids who have no chance if their parents won't correct them!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I had forgotten a particular person knew about this blog..turns out that he-or she (who will remain nameless FOR NOW) is not losing interest in the not-so-interesting happenings of my life!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

When will it be over???!!!!

Lauren got sick just a bit ago AGAIN! 7th time!! It is just past 7:30 AM, and she should be at school right now:( She is sad that she'll miss the veteran's assembly today. She had invited the preacher so she feels bad for having to miss it.

Not for a weak tummy!

That should be a warning slip for motherhood! Lauren just threw up for the third time (I think it's nearly 3 AM)..thankfully this time all liquid. She is so cute-for some reason after she does it each time she feels she has to apologize to me. I keep telling her no problem-I love her and I'm sorry she feels bad. Hopefully this will pass quickly!! She has had it rough this flu season.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I got to keep my niece Friday night-which I LOVE!! Lauren was excited to be home for this over-nighter..last time she had to visit her dad. Anyway..Abigail has not lost her natural ability to produce the atomic poo bomb. She did do a good job using the toilet to potty. Saturday I took the girls for a snack and play place at McD's..good cheap fun. I couldn't help but think of all the germs flying around the place!! I love having her around:)
Lauren is back to school tomorrow after last weeks bug..okay-she just threw up all over the floor-never mind!!


I got to keep my niece Friday night-which I LOVE!! Lauren was excited to be home for this over-nighter..last time she had to visit her dad. Anyway..Abigail has not lost her natural ability to produce the atomic poo bomb. She did do a good job using the toilet to potty. Saturday I took the girls for a snack and play place at McD's..good cheap fun. I couldn't help but think of all the germs flying around the place!! I love having her around:)
Lauren is back to school tomorrow after last weeks bug..okay-she just threw up all over the floor-never mind!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

what's the scoop with blogger??!

Why does it not update me lately? Have I somehow upset the blogger powers that be? Who knows!!
Anyway..another good day! Dean went along with me to church. My mother took us all out for lunch. My grandmother and a high school classmate of her's came out to church and joined us for lunch. Dean and I have done some browsing this afternoon. We have been wanting to try a new shop we had seen on the food channel-so we found it and LOVED it!! We went for a walk down by the river-LOVING this weather! I have really enjoyed him the past couple days. It's nice to not have the kids under our feet every step. I love them all-but I do enjoy some adult time.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Well...anyway you may say's our 100th post. Not much going on, new anyway. Lauren has been having a tough start to the 2nd quarter of school-but I'm confident she can get through. She is doing a GREAT job w/her braces. I am really proud of her! Dean and I had a really nice (and mostly kid free) day together. We both worked this morning-went to Natalie's last soccer game, had some lunch-saw a movie...and he bought me new shoes tonight. Shoes that he even picked out-so I was proud of that. What was the BEST of the shoe trip is they were originally $110...and we got them for $39!!! My man can bargain shop..he's the best:) My sweet little niece has said her first naughty word..hopefully she'll not make a habit of it!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

okay...maybe a break-guess i shouldn't be so hasty!!!

It's just been a slow (and at times yucky) few months lately. A lot has changed-and I know more is to come. Much of it I don't want to write about-and it's just really tempting at times on this blog to let it all spill out. I don't want to burden anyone with my concerns or fears...which makes me feel at times I should not post much. It'll all sort itself out, there's just a lot on my plate. Trust me-the good outweighs the bad by leaps & bounds.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I just don't follow!!

Maybe I'm dumb-but I will never understand how somebody can intentionally hurt someone they claim to love. I am just done listening.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Lauren has made it through the concert:) She felt pretty yucky through the day..but some things (the concert) are worth resting up for. I just hope she hasn't pushed herself too far.


Lauren was treated to such a WONDERFUL evening!! Black hummer limo-presents-Miley Cyrus concert!! She has camera with her..Dean has laptop (while camping??...stupid huh)...anyway-once laptop and camera reconnect we'll post pics.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

No school-school days

Lauren has a couple long weekends coming up!! No school this Friday, and she is out next Thursday and Friday as well. All for parent/teacher conferences. I've said it before..and I'll say it again..I feel like I'm on trial as a parent during these things. While I'm nervous for it-Lauren is excited for the days off school. Fun days too..not staying home sick in bed days!! She has been doing a great job..five A's & two B's. She was really going for all A's-but good first quarter effort. This is a new routine switching classes for each period. Hopefully it'll click! I guess I should try to sleep, I think it's near 1 AM!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My wonderful boyfriend:)

I didn't have to do dinner duty tonight!! Dean made a great meal this evening!! We had a beef roast, potatoes and gravy, corn, and rolls. Lauren even ate it:) She really does a good job with her eating, when we all have dinner together.
Lauren is really excited for the Miley Cyrus concert this Saturday. It is so neat to see her excitement! While she is at the show I will be setting up a baby shower:)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dinner tonight

Tonight I tried something a bit interesting. Pork chops sprinkled with lemon pepper, then simmer in sweet & sour sauce with pineapple chunks. The meat was served over the rice I put sauteed (sp) green peppers & onions with stir fry sauce. It was a bit odd to me at first-but once I got over how odd the combination sounded..I could realize the taste was actually quite good:) Good enough for Dean to claim the leftovers for lunch tomorrow!! The taste of home cookbook is a fantastic thing!!

Moving on!!

I have about had enough. We are all adults...I do not understand why my happiness is a problem for anyone.

Sunday, October 11, 2009



Our kids have really done an alright job with the mixing of the families...okay, I'll rephrase that...Natalie has done alright. Lauren and Tyler...let's just say there have been struggles. I really think we're starting to have some breakthroughs...and thank goodness for it!! Tyler did such an awesome job last Sunday that he earned a "Tyler only" sisters:) He was pumped!!! I picked him up from Asbury and took him to get a new coat. He picked it out, and I was quite impressed with his bargain shopping abilities...picking out a $23 coat that was originally $60!! Way to go:) Then we went to dinner at Fritz's, and he was in awe of the train delivering the food. Abigail was quite intrigued as well. Each time we would see a train go by, she'd just keep saying "again...again...again" Too cute!! Afterward we went to Chip's Chocolate Factory and he picked out (a ton of) treats. He had a $20 giftcard to Toys R Us, so he got to go spend it. I think he had a pretty fantastic time!! Hopefully it will encourage all of them to shape up and work for their own special time. Natalie asked me the following day if I would pick her up (and only her) and take her out for her own night! It was cute. Lauren gets so much of my individual attention, but I hope it will encourage her as well to be a little more open to the changes in our family. We got her a couple new pair of jeans, so when she comes home hopefully she'll be excited for those:) I have some unrelated pics to put up...hopefully they'll load:)

Giving it another shot...

It seems if I try to post one pic at a time it's a little more able to handle it:)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What I have made

Okay..Paula asked from my last posting what I have made. I baked chicken chimichangas...YUM!!! I made a pork dish that had a maple syrup sauce...quite delicious!!! I made chili the other night-which Dean was actually happy with!! I put together a marinade for shrimp that we grilled:) Altogether-I'd say I'm learning!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Who knew that I (of all people)...can cook??!!! WOW..I am in shock!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Will do...

Later on I will try again to load the "after" shot of Lauren's braces:) I'm only a month behind.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

take another stab at it...

The "before" shot


Yes Paula-i will share what is going on once I know/understand more myself!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I don't know what to do...

Please pray for me. Whatever it might be that you belive-please just do.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

For the love of Pete...

We got a new laptop...and I have tried (unsuccessfully) MANY times to upload these pictures that I have needed to FOREVER...(okay...maybe I exaggerate on the forever part). None the less, I am frustrated.
Try again's just not happening tonight.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Just updates I guess...Lauren goes tomorrow for her second appointment with the orthodontist. They will put the bands on her back teeth tomorrow. I will get pics again..and post them! I still have ones from previous appointment:)
School is rolling along. There was a struggle with science for a bit, but I think she has it under control now. All A's and B's..high B's though all over 89.4, so I am confident she can bump those up with some hard work!!
Dean and I went to a 40th in Topeka over the weekend, so it was nice to have some adult time--now we've got all 3 NO adult time. We signed up for the YMCA today and the oldest 2 will get to use equipment, with exception of the weights. Hopefully it will be used well enough to justify the cost!!
Time to put some kids to bed!


Just updates I guess...Lauren goes tomorrow for her second appointment with the orthodontist. They will put the bands on her back teeth tomorrow. I will get pics again..and post them! I still have ones from previous appointment:)
School is rolling along. There was a struggle with science for a bit, but I think she has it under control now. All A's and B's..high B's though all over 89.4, so I am confident she can bump those up with some hard work!!
Dean and I went to a 40th in Topeka over the weekend, so it was nice to have some adult time--now we've got all 3 NO adult time. We signed up for the YMCA today and the oldest 2 will get to use equipment, with exception of the weights. Hopefully it will be used well enough to justify the cost!!
Time to put some kids to bed!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sticks and Stones??

Who came up with that rhyme of sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me??!!! What a load of hooey (yep-I know-not a smart word). I'd rather have a broken bone than to have a broken heart from harsh words! Especially coming from someone you love.
Kind of a downer-sorry.
In other news-Lauren got her braces, has been doing a good job with them. We had a rough first couple days-her with discomfort, my with listening to her chew with her mouth open:) I am big on chewing with your mouth closed-but she was excused for a bit:)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nothing in particular...but lots

Confused?? Me too!! One more week until Lauren gets braces...well okay, a week and one day:)
Sixth grade is going well...we have had several "back to school" it feels pretty official now, she's back!! Meet the teacher last night had parents go through their child's schedule, with timed passing periods in the hall.. wow...I felt old!!! Well...young of course compared to some of the other parents, but whatever!! Lauren has to go to school early tomorrow to work in her technology class...I guess getting adapted to the passing periods/learning new ways that she MUST be prepared has not yet made itself to friendly. I'm sure she'll get it, and I'm glad she has a teacher willing to help her get caught up!!!
I do have some new pictures, but have to somehow get Dean to get them from my phone to his computer. The blackberry software is loaded onto his.
By the way...the movie Little Manhattan is on. If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it. It is the most adorable little story, and entirely appropriate for even Lauren to see.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Where have I been??!!...and WHY am I not asleep??

Quick update-Lauren had a FANTASTIC bday!! New tv, clothes, $$, puzzle, movies! She's been feeling alright about it:). Tyler had a bday the 15th-and he did alright himself! A new DS, which he has been wanting for quite awhile:)
Tomorrow is the first day of middle school...maybe that is why I am still awake. I am so relieved that everything has come together so well for the start of the school year. Hopefully it will be a great year for Lauren. She is where she wants to be-which will help I am sure.
I guess I should try for some sleep now! Will get pics in the morning!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ready for birthday celebrations!!!

We are starting Lauren's bday Wednesday and we'll have some more next weekend!! I have picked up a few things so far..seems like Lauren is getting so old so fast, and I'm really not ready for that. We'll have to get good pics:)

Friday, July 31, 2009

What to do???!!!!!!!

Braces are outrageous!!! I (thankfully) have great insurance-and I'm thankful for that!! Being faced with a $3,000 expense without both parents participating=not my idea of fun! Lauren will be getting braces in September. The first appt is Sept 3rd and they'll finish them up Sept 17th. She is entirely worth it, I just hope I can pull it off:)

We will be doing a small bday this coming Wed for Lauren. Then next Sat we will go to Worlds of Fun for her birthday. She wants all kinds of (big ticket) items for her birthday. Don't really know yet what we'll do...guess I should figure out what it is! Wish me luck on bday and braces. I know everything will come together-as it has a way of doing always-i just stress...always.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Big Day Tomorrow!!!

Lauren goes to the orthodontist tomorrow!! We'll find out what they suggest and the (dreaded) cost. Keep your fingers crossed that it's reasonable!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Kids are now eligible to EARN an allowance...although I wish SOMEBODY would've discussed the amount with me before telling the kids!!! Natalie and I went out last night to get her a wallet for her to hold her $. She was telling everyone that she gets an allowance, it was so cute!! Since somebody (initials DJ) did not discuss the amount with me-I told them they have to save 1/2 of each allowance!!!
I got to see my little cousin Molly yesterday..I hadn't seen her since Julie's wedding, I was so happy-and my Grandmother was over the moon!!!
Dean's games got rained out today-so we're stuck with him:)
Have a great day!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Changes...READY for this week!!

Here it is Sunday night..this weekend FLEW by!!
I am ready for Lauren to be home!!! One week from tomorrow!! It can't go fast enough..I miss her so much!
Hopefully our news will come through this week. Could be one of the most life changing weeks I've had in my 30 years, and for some reason (and completely out of character) I'm not even nervous. I welcome the change!!! Wow how things change!!!
I guess it's time for me to relax, start of another work week tomorrow:)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I miss worlds of fun!!!

Well...really I miss Lauren!! I know that whe she gets home that will be one of the first things on her 'to do' list!!! Fine with me:)
I thought my pending big news may have been out the door..but I am not quite sure. Much stress right the point of massive headache tonight. I haven't had one in two years..but I feel it coming on.
By the way..Chipotle=SICK!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Finally photos!!!

Mixed...some from quite far back!! Lauren making red velvet cake, Natalie & Lauren at the KU game, Worlds of Fun. Hopefully I'll get better about this!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cheeky Quote

I saw this in the cheeky quote spot on the blog...had to record it!!!
Why do men like intelligent women? Because opposites attract!!!

LOVE IT!!! Explains my weekend to a "t"

But, enough of that! We went to worlds of fun yesterday for just a minute, and we couldn't handle it. When you seek out all the water rides in an effort to stay cool...then you stand on the bridge over the Monsoon for repeated runs of it just to get soaked...I think it means it's just TOO HOT for ANYONE to be there!

Tyler finished up his state tournament today. They placed third...I know they were all exhausted! They did a good job despite the heat of the weekend! I do enjoy going to see him play, but honestly, TOO MUCH driving!!!

I haven't heard from Lauren in a few days, so that's frustrating. I have been trying to connect with them so we can get her Worlds of Fun pass to her, but no answers:( Hopefully her dad will just pay for her to go so she can be taking advantage of her summer!!!

Maybe when Dean gets back around he'll help me get some pics put over to the computer. Who knows? Hard to believe the weekend is already over...back to it again tomorrow!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

What a night

I saw something tonight I have never seen before and I hope to never see again. Enough said on that one..anyone who was there knows the tale!!!
I tried transferring photos from my phone just to find I can't transfer them!! I'll give it another effort tomorrow.
Tyler took a hit right to the shin tonight...had a mega d-q moment...and made our way home. They did an awesome job tonight!!!
Natalie wants to have a girl's day out tomorrow with hair and I'm thinking along the lines of my hair/her nails!!!
I am so anxious for Lauren to come home!! Lots in the works for changes coming down our road, and I'm ready for her to be a part of it all!
Maybe I can get some help with the pics tomorrow-who knows!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

You know you're getting old when...

You start to agree with the old stories you hear from your parents and see how they can now apply to your own life. I will always remember my mother telling us she was in the car on her way back from a dentist appt when the news came over the radio that Kennedy had passed away. I always thought that seemed insignificant, at my young age hearing those stories I always wondered how or why you would remember the date/circumstances/place you were when someone not even related to you died. WELL...I remember where I was hearing that Princess Di(I know that is technically not proper) had passed, and we were at lunch in Iowa City watching her funeral. I will always remember being at school hearing about the Columbine shootings...and I was in a meeting at the bank when the World Trade Center towers fell..being in my Grandmother's kitchen on the phone with my mother and had to tell her my father had passed (by far THE most suck moment..sorry for the term) will be another one. I will always remember my brother listening to beat it...and loving Farrah Fawcet because she made me think I could grow up to have beautiful hair!!! I wished when I was little that I could have her hair!!! Life is short..tragically, unpredictably short.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

WOW...not such a graceful exit from the 20's!!!

I FEEL OLD tonight!!! My little brother (29 year old little bro) calls me tonight to ask how my "last hours" are going...what a dear!!! (Whatever) So tomorrow is it-yuck!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

LONG day:)

Well...we closed down the park this evening! All three of the kiddos did a pretty good job today. We got there around 2:30-ish...and left at ten tonight. I'm amazed nobody cracked by that time. (honestly, I came close) I guess we're going back again tomorrow...shocked??.....nope, neither am I!!! Once we got into the car, all three of the kids we're already planning what they wanted to ride first tomorrow.
I got some pictures today, I'll have to try to remember to load them tomorrow. My camera went home with Dean.
We were going to go up to the farm tomorrow for Memorial Day (well, memorial day-ish) grave duty...but my grandmother excused Lauren from it. She knows they all have such a good time going to Worlds of Fun, and it certainly beats driving 2 hours up to the farm to drive around cemeteries for hours...then followed by a long drive home.
I would just like to say I am proud of my daughter...and Dean's kids...and the church kids!!! From what I saw today at worlds of fun...countless kids throwing trash on the ground, cussing, horrible PDA, running around carelessly and nearly running into little ones...I am so happy that our kids (mine, his, church acquaintances) show more respect then that. Way to go parents!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Can you guess what we're doing this weekend??!!!

Yes...we're going to Worlds of Fun!! Hopefully the weather will far what I am seeing for tomorrow is high 60's & sunny. We'll take it!!! Dean has agreed to ride The I'm going to see that happens:) I was impressed last time when he got on the Timberwolf and the Prowler.
Lauren has been wanting to have a garage sale, so I am going to start getting stuff together again for that. She rarely wants to part with anything, so we'll give it a shot. I have been wanting to get rid of my tv cabinet, it's just too big. I love it for the fact it closes completely and looks like a piece of pretty furniture rather than an entire wall consuming monstrosity that shows an ugly tv all the time!!! But...I really don't have much room for it now:(

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Strictly for the sake of having pictures...

Some of these photos are old...I just love the faces Abigail is making, and what better time is there then when both Smith girls are fast asleep and QUIET!!!
Then there is a "before" the too much hair cut haircut photo, and an "after." Granted...the after is not a good photo, I will get one tonight from Nathan's graduation.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Too Much Hair Cut, haircut

I'll have to get the photos up of it on the laptop, since it is on my phone...but I took Lauren in for a trim...and it is SHORT!!!
Here are some pictures though, some when we had Dean's kids at Worlds of Fun, some me and Lauren. We have gotten our $$ out of those now for sure...and the summer hasn't even started. Best Christmas idea we had last year...and I think we'll continue it each year!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Worlds of Fun Weekend!!

We have pictures...but I can't get the card into this computer, so I'll have to take care of that later!! We had quite the weekend...Friday night Lauren and I got to ride the Prowler. Season pass holders got to go for a preview of it and FREE food, always good!!! Saturday all of us went, and again today. I was really shocked at how good the kiddos did...better than me, I am EXHAUSTED!!!
On the way out today we went to Wal Mart for some treats to take along and paper for a homework project...and here it is 10:00, and we don't have the paper. Wal Mart was just a bust today. Trouble with the card machine, didn't make anyone AT ALL happy. So, now the better half (better as in, claiming he is usually the one who has it more together, WELL) is off to Wal Mart! Poor thing, he's wiped out too. He was wonderful enough to do the yard work at my grandmother's this evening. (all to spare my new shoes from being dyed green) He has his great moments!!!
Lauren's eye seems to be improving...she had her first round with pink eye this week. She handled it really well, but has to finish her eye drops. Hopefully nobody in school ends up developing it. It didn't look to me to be too much fun!!
This Wednesday is the Grand Prix at church...I was a slacker and didn't get Lauren a car kit. So we're going to re-do one of her old cars so she can compete again. She always enjoys participating.
Hopefully we'll get to watch Abigail sometime this week. She is always a great de-stresser for Aunt Shannie!!! I just love her:)
Have a wonderful week!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

pic after band concert

I still have to get the pics off of my grandmother's camera...but here is a cute one at McD's

Will get pics up:)

Well...we forgot to get MY camera to the we'll have to load up the ones from my grandmother's camera this weekend when I'm up there. Lauren did an AWESOME job

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Band Concert

Lauren has her band concert this evening. I have my camera (GRRREAT!!!) so we will have pictures of this one:)
Nothing new around here! School, work, and work & school. That is about as exciting as it gets. Dean and I are going to take the kiddos to worlds of fun this weekend, so hopefully it's not pouring down rain and the kids can have a good time. I'm excited for it. Although, we got these passports and listed Tyler as the child rate (under 48")...well, I think he is actually over, so we'll have to pay for that adjustment I'm sure. Whoops:)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bday/Wedding Anniversary

I love it when multiple holidays/events fall on the same day!! Dean's bday is tomorrow (38...does that make men mad to tell their age??), and my parent's wedding anniversary was tomorrow as well. Is it appropriate to say was? Don't know! Anyway, makes things so much easier for my aging brain to remember!!
FYI...Marley & Me, sad movie!! I couldn't finish watching it. I guess I am a ninny...but that's okay, I can handle being labeled!!
I don't think I put on here what happened last week at Erika's soccer game. Natalie (6) went behind the bleachers to play with the other kids and came back around crying. Our first thought was wondering what Tyler or Lauren had done to her. Through her tears she says 'I dropped a brick on my foot.' WHAT??!!! I kind of thought maybe one of the other kids had done it in play, but nope, she picked up the brick and dropped it right on her big toe. She said she was 'trying to break it.' Dean had to ask if she was referring to her toe!! The things kids do!!! Always something going on. I really don't know how mothers with more than one child do it!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Scary Territory

Thanks to my sister in law, I have been consumed with the fear of my ten year old and potentially boy crazy thoughts!!! Lauren wore her Easter dress to school today, did her hair (and nearly put on make up, but we hit the brakes there!!) and for SCHOOL!! Paula commented on my myspace that maybe Lauren was doing this over a boy. Hopefully not...the blissfully ignorant part of me wants to think she is just taking more of an interest in her appearance...but she's pretty open with me, so I'm afraid Paula might be right:( YIKES!!
I'm getting ready to go get Lauren from school and take her out to DeSoto high school. Dean's daughter has a soccer game out there, so Lauren is really excited to go watch. She loves all things DeSoto, so hopefully she doesn't cheer for them (Erika plays at Piper)!!! That could be interesting:)
We're going to have Abigail this weekend!! Haven't watched her for awhile, so we're excited!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

previous post

something went wrong...words were being cut out!! Whoops

Easter Weekend

Tomorrow morning we have the Easter egg hunt at church...I'm sure it will be a zoo of kids!! Lauren wants to wear her Easter dress to it, she is having a hard time catching on that she doesn't need to dress up for this. (not as though she has never been to one at our church before!!)
Hopefully Paula will let me use her camera:) Dean has mine, hopefully I can get it back from him Sunday!!
Lauren and my mom are going to do some eggs tonight. I really don't remember doing any when I was little...but I'm getting old so I could just be forgetting!!
61 days
1470 hours

UNTIL MY 30TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But who's counting?? Something has gone horribly wrong with this post...I am having a difficult computer day:)

Dean and I get to go see the 17 Again movie this coming Tuesday night. (don't remember if I've blogged that yet...see, getting old) I got an email the other day that I got passes to it..I'm really loving the free movies!! This one is PG-13, so Lauren won't get to go:( She is pretty bummed to be missing out on Zac Efron!! Such a little girl, getting older everyday. Scary!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Have you ever noticed?

Sometimes the older people get, the more outrageous they become? Some behavior that I have seen lately out of adults (with children) is what I would expect to see from poorly behaved children in high school. Concerns me. Really concerns me especially for their children!! I cannot believe someone that grew up in church (anybody who goes to our church that reads this, it isn't anybody at our church!!) should know better.
Venting again...but when people are hateful and try to effect the lives of people I love, I tend to get a bit upset. (okay, a lot upset) I could probably use some calm-me-down...get my head back in the right realm (helping people, not being angry at them) prayers right now!! I'm letting things under my skin!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Lauren had an incredible time!!! When I went to pick up our tickets the lady asked me if I would like another one to admit 2 more...OF COURSE!!! Dean and Natalie came along. It's a clean movie for kids, which I was super excited about!!! Before the movie started they asked some trivia questions for prize giveaways...I was kind of nervous that if Lauren was called her answer would not be heard. But, the first question was asking what Miley's real name is, and she was loud enough!! She won the Miley Cyrus book. It was so neat to see her so excited!!!
Funny (and quite ridiculous) story! When I went to pick up the tickets, there was a couple in the office yelling at the poor receptionist. They had entered an auction for a Keith Urban autographed guitar. (I'd be yelling at myself, turns out they payed $1,200 for it...are you KIDDING me??!!) Anyway, they were going on how you couldn't even read it, the guitar was "cheap", wasn't the brand of guitar they thought it should be, and that the autographed message wasn't what they wanted it to say. Come on...the man was nice enough to do it!! It said.."To the Smith (don't remember the last name) family, With Love, Keith Urban" Nice enough I would think. Stuff was rolling big time in the office...I felt like I needed to put my boots on!!
Anyway...enough for tonight. It's nearly midnight! Turns out Golden Girls is on each night starting at 11:00 for a couple hours. Not that I need to be up so late, but I find myself watching it. Makes me think of being at my Bina & Grandpa's house when I was young. My Grandpa just loved watching them...sometimes as I watch it I can still hear his laugh. Might be part of the draw that I feel to the show!
Seriously, enough for tonight. We'll get some photos up:)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hannah Montana-mania

Bring it on...and for FREE!!! I love previewing movies...because I cannot stand paying ticket prices!!! Wonderful match:)
If you haven't figured it out, I got preview passes to the new Hannah Montana movie. Lauren and I will get to go see it Wednesday night...the ONLY bad part of this is that it falls on church night. I feel bad for not being with my Awana's kids, but can't pass up a free movie for the kiddo! (because I don't want to turn around this weekend and pay for it)
So...not much else new. I saw Abigail today for a bit...she finally says I LOVE YOU...although it sounds like "I love ewww" She is the best little niece EVER! So cute.
I need to get some pictures up, I'm just noticing how pathetic I've been with it. We'll have some from Easter I'm sure.
Lauren will have to sign on Wednesday evening to share the Hannah Montana excitement with you.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I have a new found appreciation for 'the blog'

I love this thing!!! A dear old friend I haven't heard from in maybe 7-8 years (maybe an exaggeration) commented on a previous post!! I'm so excited:) Some of my sweetest memories have Tiffany in whoever gave her the blog info-thanks to you!!!

For some updates, having fun with Aflac. I love being out and about with my day, not tied to a desk. If you haven't looked at it before for your family, I encourage you to do so...which means-ask me!!!

Lauren is through with her dental rounds for awhile, at least until August. I'm fearing there will be more teeth pulled, but I'm not the dentist-we'll see! School has been frustrating for her lately. She is smart as can be, just has trouble with her focus on occasion which leads to her falling behind on class work. Homework she does alright. I have to urge her to slow down and do things right the first time. When she goes to correct her (stupid) mistakes..(most are, aren't they?!) she completes it all perfectly. Frustrating!!

Dean is still hanging in there! What a sport:) Ten months I think he said? (okay, to those of you who are married/have had long term relationships this may be no big deal, but for those of you who truly know me.... you know that this is a BIG deal for my history over the past 8-9 yrs) He is great, I definitely appreciate him! Although there is something he has been keeping from me, and all who know me will know that I cannot stand waiting on a surprise!!! I love to be in the loop...and he's keeping me out of it:( bummer

Anyway...Easter is coming up so we'll have photos of Lauren's outrageously beautiful, makes her look 14+ dress! I'm wondering when her rapid rate of growth will slow down...I'll be the short one REAL soon!

AND...there are 67 days (1613 hrs, but who's counting??!!) until my 30th bday:( YIKES...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

And it's not even Monday!!!

Oh my goodness..put this down as the worst day of record!!! I know I shouldn't let things get to me that are out of my control-but I am quite stubborn!! What I should do -v- what I actually do is the struggle!! I need to stop and remember the things I'm thankful for!! Lauren and her health!! Thank God! To finally have a great boyfriend with a backbone and that cares for me...extremely thankful:) A job, a roof, food, family-none of those in that particular order:) Add to the list a niece that finally says Shannie!!! Love her:) We're getting ready to go to church, maybe that will help to put my head/spirit back in the right place.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Lauren got her cavity filled and her tooth pulled!! No crying, no complaints!! I was really proud of her:)
We got to the dentist office...and Lauren kept getting more nervous each time someone would be called back. She kept saying, "Mama, I'm next, I just know it." We waited about 25 minutes before she got called. Needless to say I went back there with her. We had decided together that she could use the "laughing gas" to help her to relax. She was quite scared of the shots...SO, they pulled out the little nose piece to start her on the gas. Usually they take kids to about 30%...BUT...not Lauren. They kept asking her how she was feeling, and NO change! So they increased her to 35% and still no change. They took the child to 40% to which she said she felt "a bit different" but nothing too much. So they said they did not want her to go over 43%, but that did the trick. Afterward she said "Mama, I think I saw six dentists, but there were only 2 in there right??" Too cute! We have to go back on the 24th for her to get another one pulled. I remember wanting to crawl out of the dentist chair and run away while I was getting teeth pulled, but Lauren didn't even budge. Made me feel like a big baby for how I handled it!
Report cards come out Friday...wish her luck. She had a rough time at the point of transferring schools but got all her work caught up and made the honor roll. We are hoping for all A's, but I am proud of her effort to go from falling so far behind to even A's and B's. (but truthfully, she would be quite thrilled for all A's)
GOOD ABIGAIL NEWS...she is finally saying Shannie!!! I am so excited:) Lauren sound like Loan...Natalie (dean's daughter) is NaNa...she says Nonnie really well, and she has the cutest little roar:) Love it!!!
Anyway, it's late and I have an early start to the day:) Have a great Thursday!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Cavities, Extractions, and BRACES(?)...OH MY!!!!!

Lauren had an interesting visit to the dentist..but nothing we didn't truly expect! She has a couple baby teeth that have not come out and the perm teeth are breaking the baby teeth have to come out-hence the extraction! That would be extractions, yes, more than one:( She's a tough kid-hopefully she'll be good with it. Just one (barely there) cavity they are going to seal over, so nothing too horrible with that. AND..they gave us a referral for an orthodontist, but suggested we wait until the perm teeth come in. The problem is overcrowding making her alignment crazy, but it may solve itself as her teeth shift further. So no hurries in that arena:) Wish her luck!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another one from Paula

Yes another one! Give me a break-I'm bored at work!! ((LOL)) I am grateful for my job but right now things are SLOW. Enjoy.

1. What is your occupation right now?Real Estate
2. What color are your socks right now?Black
3. What are you listening to right now?My nerves making my stomach talk
4. What was the last thing that you ate?Ritz Cracker
5. Can you drive a stick shift?Yep, had to learn how to drive on one
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?Troy
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yep
8. How old are you today?29
9.What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?Football/College Basketball/Baseball
10. What is your favorite drink?Diet Coke
11. Have you ever dyed your hair?Yes
12. Favorite food?So many different ones...not enough room to list
13. What is the last movie you watched?Some mummy movie Dean rented, not sure of the name
14. Favorite day of the year?Until this year it was June 11th!!!
15. How do you vent anger?Talk to Dean or cry.
16. What was your favorite toy as a child?My Barbies...I cried when my little bro cut their hair.
17. What is your favorite season?Like them all, just don't like our humidity
18. Cherries or Blueberries?Blueberries
21. Living arrangements?Bonner
22. When was the last time you cried?Last night
23. What is on the floor of your closet?Carpet, nothing else
24. What did you do last night?Went to church
27. What are you most afraid of?Lots of stuff
28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?All of the above, did I mention I like food??!!!
29. Favorite dog breed?Toy poodle, alaskan mal.
30. Favorite day of the week?Tuesday
31. How many states have you lived in?2
32. Diamonds or pearls?Pearls
33.What is your favorite flower? Many different, but yellow roses top the list!!!


I got this off of Paula's...nothing too exciting on mine, but I'll be a participant anyway!! You have to use the first letter in your name for each answer. You should post these on your blog too! :)

1. What is your name: Shannon
2. Boys Name: Shannon (yes, I'm not too creative)
3. A Girls Name: Ummm...I'll go with Suzie
4. An Occupation: Security Guard
5. A Color: Salmon
6. Something you wear: Socks
7.A Beverage: Soda
8. A Food: SALSA
9. Something found in the bathroom: STINK
10. A place: Seattle
11. A Reason for being late: Sleeping in
12.Something you shout: SHUT UP:)

Now the fun part is to see your answers!!