Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Just updates I guess...Lauren goes tomorrow for her second appointment with the orthodontist. They will put the bands on her back teeth tomorrow. I will get pics again..and post them! I still have ones from previous appointment:)
School is rolling along. There was a struggle with science for a bit, but I think she has it under control now. All A's and B's..high B's though all over 89.4, so I am confident she can bump those up with some hard work!!
Dean and I went to a 40th in Topeka over the weekend, so it was nice to have some adult time--now we've got all 3 NO adult time. We signed up for the YMCA today and the oldest 2 will get to use equipment, with exception of the weights. Hopefully it will be used well enough to justify the cost!!
Time to put some kids to bed!


Just updates I guess...Lauren goes tomorrow for her second appointment with the orthodontist. They will put the bands on her back teeth tomorrow. I will get pics again..and post them! I still have ones from previous appointment:)
School is rolling along. There was a struggle with science for a bit, but I think she has it under control now. All A's and B's..high B's though all over 89.4, so I am confident she can bump those up with some hard work!!
Dean and I went to a 40th in Topeka over the weekend, so it was nice to have some adult time--now we've got all 3 NO adult time. We signed up for the YMCA today and the oldest 2 will get to use equipment, with exception of the weights. Hopefully it will be used well enough to justify the cost!!
Time to put some kids to bed!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sticks and Stones??

Who came up with that rhyme of sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me??!!! What a load of hooey (yep-I know-not a smart word). I'd rather have a broken bone than to have a broken heart from harsh words! Especially coming from someone you love.
Kind of a downer-sorry.
In other news-Lauren got her braces, has been doing a good job with them. We had a rough first couple days-her with discomfort, my with listening to her chew with her mouth open:) I am big on chewing with your mouth closed-but she was excused for a bit:)