Saturday, April 26, 2008

Can't think of anything clever for a title!!!

What a busy few weeks it has been, or maybe just one week and it feels like a few!! Hours are crazy where I work, more than what I had expected...but let's face it, who couldn't use the extra money!!! We're still keeping Abigail while Paula works, and now her hours will be changing too. Lauren has wrapped up choir for the year, they had several shows, and performed yesterday at Crown Center. She was SO excited yesterday when she got home to tell me they got Sheridan's ice cream. I would've been excited too!!!!! Anyway...LONG week:)
Julie is FINALLY married!! No more stress of the wedding. Amazing how such a happy time can get SO crazy. I will be running off, getting hitched, and we'll party when I get back...FYI. IF I can find anyone bold enough to take me on:) Who knows...I'm just more concerned with having a great marriage than a wedding!!! Hopefully someday...I don't want to be the old cat lady!!
Lauren has her first softball game coming up this next Monday. Hopefully they'll be short games, considering this one doesn't start until 8:15 and we live almost an hour away. Crappy...
She was late to practice this past Monday. There was a stalled semi on 435 and traffic was horrible. So we detoured and the stop and go of 135th was not much better!!! Anyway, we were almost there and a guy (looked homeless and drunk to me) was yelling and very much in the face of a woman with a baby stroller. So, since I thought he had alcohol in him and in his hand (Lauren later told me she thought it was Lipton Green Tea), I called 911. I was concerned for her, and too scared to stop myself. So on we went to practice, and hour and a few minutes late. Just a little bit beyond our control.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Oh my goodness, am I EVER exhausted!!! I decided to help out at the complex where I work, because let's face it...a girl can use a rent deduction and some extra cash:) I ever tired! 15 hrs weekly helping out has turned into 30!!! Yesterday, I was up at the clubhouse at 9 until 5. Went up North to list a house and didn't get home until well after 10:00.
Lauren has made a new friend, whose name just happens to be Lauren Elizabeth!!! Go figure:) Her parent's are the new managers at our complex and they get to hang out on the afternoons that I'm up there.
We have yet ANOTHER program tomorrow night!! The 4th grade music program at school. To be honest, I'm glad it's on a Thursday. I don't mind driving Lauren ALL THE WAY into MO for practice, but I'm not too sorry to miss one:) Gets pricey...and quite time consuming:)
My little cousin is getting married this Saturday, thank God it will be over soon!!! I got Abigail a bib that says "are these people REALLY my relatives?" LOVE IT:) Explains lots!! Anyway, I'm upset Jason isn't letting Lauren attend, but I guess that's part of the territory I must live in. I did Julie's bridal shower on a weekend that I had Lauren so she would be able to take part in at least one part of the wedding process for her.
I should start to clean...I'm running out of evening:)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Choir concert

Two more days to go!!! Tuesday will be the last choir concert of the year!!! Lauren is getting really excited, and kind of nervous:)
Tomorrow we have softball practice...yet another crazy drive!! She definitely should be playing ball in Shawnee!! Or at least the state of Kansas!!!
Yesterday I brought Abigail over to visit Bina. She did a really good job...ate two large bottles and finished the rest of her carrots. The child can eat...clearly evidenced by the size of her chunky thighs:) Love it!!!
I cannot believe it is already April! School will be out in less than 2 months, what will we do with the summer??

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


When I was playing ball growing up, Rick Atteberry gave me a nickname...Slugger Smith. SO...Lauren had her first ball practice last night, and I think she may have taken over the title!! I was SO impressed!!! She got up to bat (and didn't have many hit-able pitches), but made contact with one and got a double!!! Abigail and I sat in the car watching, it was so windy I coudn't really take her out there. So she had fun staring at herself in the mirror...I don't think the child will have any self-esteem issues!! She loves to look at herself:)
Lauren's last choir concert is next Tuesday. The choir from each school in the district will be performing together, about 450 kids total. I'm sure it will be pretty impressive:)