Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Oh my goodness, am I EVER exhausted!!! I decided to help out at the complex where I work, because let's face it...a girl can use a rent deduction and some extra cash:) I ever tired! 15 hrs weekly helping out has turned into 30!!! Yesterday, I was up at the clubhouse at 9 until 5. Went up North to list a house and didn't get home until well after 10:00.
Lauren has made a new friend, whose name just happens to be Lauren Elizabeth!!! Go figure:) Her parent's are the new managers at our complex and they get to hang out on the afternoons that I'm up there.
We have yet ANOTHER program tomorrow night!! The 4th grade music program at school. To be honest, I'm glad it's on a Thursday. I don't mind driving Lauren ALL THE WAY into MO for practice, but I'm not too sorry to miss one:) Gets pricey...and quite time consuming:)
My little cousin is getting married this Saturday, thank God it will be over soon!!! I got Abigail a bib that says "are these people REALLY my relatives?" LOVE IT:) Explains lots!! Anyway, I'm upset Jason isn't letting Lauren attend, but I guess that's part of the territory I must live in. I did Julie's bridal shower on a weekend that I had Lauren so she would be able to take part in at least one part of the wedding process for her.
I should start to clean...I'm running out of evening:)

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