Monday, February 18, 2008


Well it has come that time again!!! This Thursday (yes Valentine's) we had a "student lead" conference. Lauren had to do a power point presentation showing her strengths, areas for improvement, favorite projects/subjects, and mapping out a plan to work on the improvement. I was really impressed. I always STRESS majorly over these things, like I'm being put on trial as a parent. But, she is doing a great job. She has the highest score for reading fluency in her class, and is doing great in each subject.
Submitting everything for my KS license proved to be an adventure. I had a packet of papers that had to be sent to Topeka, and ONE page of probably 8 turned out that I sent in the copy. Whoops...KS needs the original. I'm filling out the form to request it AGAIN from MO, the office where I live called me and it had been left up there while I was making my copies. Relief:) I love it when things turn out like that:)

More good Lauren news. She finished her book this past Wed night at Awana's. The whole bunch was on fire!! Lauren finished her book, Avery finished hers, and Kade did 4 verses I think. Each week I am more impressed by these kids. I just love it!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Okay...I'll have to do one and then get Lauren to do one also. Six things you may not know about'll be boring for sure, I think everyone knows most everything there is to know

1. I wrote a poem after my grandpa died that was published
2. My right leg is shorter than my left by almost a full inch. (I was told once it was due to me being a breach baby..HMM)
3. I am terrified of complete darkness.
4. When I was young, (probably up to 4 yrs old) I cried uncontrollably when I would have pictures taken...then I would cry when I looked at pics of myself.
5. I am totally blind (couldn't even read my speedometer w/out aid)
6. 27 Dresses was based on my life...j/k, but it really feels like it!! Always a bridesmaid, never a bride:)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Spelling Bee

Lauren got through three rounds of the spelling bee! She did an awesome job, we were all really proud of her! My mom, Paula and Abigail went along to watch, and thankfully Abigail was on her BEST baby behavior:) Both Smith girls were pretty impressive Friday morning:)
Lauren got a medal for participating, and was really excited that it wasn't a plastic one! She wore it all day at school, and has been showing it off like crazy!
The morning of the bee was a bit rough for me. I got pretty much NO sleep that night before. Lauren got to bed pretty easy so she could be rested for the bee. I fell asleep around 10:30 or so, and was woken up around one o'clock to what I thought was someone breaking in through a window...panic of great amounts followed!! After making calls to whoever I could find would answer, I walked around my place to find all the doors and windows still locked. Relief...for a minute. I walked back into my room and heard more glass shattering. I opened my bathroom door, and saw that my shower door had fallen apart. WHAT A MESS!! Then, I got really nervous thinking someone was IN the house and had hit it. (yes, I'm paranoid...sometimes I question if I should live alone) SO, I looked under the beds and in the closets. All clear, more relief:) The door got replaced by maintenance late Friday morning. By a door that looked like they had ripped it off a filthy abandoned I got a bottle of bleach and went into clean it. Stepped on probably the only piece of glass that didn't get picked up by the shopvac. What a mess!! I am still not letting Lauren walk around barefoot. We have mopped/swept/repeated SEVERAL times. What fun!!
Paula got a pic of Lauren with her bee medal, so I'll be sure to load it soon.
In some good news, everything has been sent for my KS real estate license, so being legal in both KS and MO is a great thing!! Hopefully I can find a few good people to work with!! (shameless, yes I know, but if y'all have any referrals for me, HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE!!!)
Have a great weekend:) Super bowl party safe!!