Monday, February 18, 2008


Well it has come that time again!!! This Thursday (yes Valentine's) we had a "student lead" conference. Lauren had to do a power point presentation showing her strengths, areas for improvement, favorite projects/subjects, and mapping out a plan to work on the improvement. I was really impressed. I always STRESS majorly over these things, like I'm being put on trial as a parent. But, she is doing a great job. She has the highest score for reading fluency in her class, and is doing great in each subject.
Submitting everything for my KS license proved to be an adventure. I had a packet of papers that had to be sent to Topeka, and ONE page of probably 8 turned out that I sent in the copy. Whoops...KS needs the original. I'm filling out the form to request it AGAIN from MO, the office where I live called me and it had been left up there while I was making my copies. Relief:) I love it when things turn out like that:)

More good Lauren news. She finished her book this past Wed night at Awana's. The whole bunch was on fire!! Lauren finished her book, Avery finished hers, and Kade did 4 verses I think. Each week I am more impressed by these kids. I just love it!!!


Elisa Seaba said...

Wow now that's will keep your dates exciting-chasing stolen cars :) Glad you had a good one. Thanks for all your work with the kids in Awanas! Avery absolutely loves you!!

Paula said...

You're welcome-glad that you guys had an eventful night!