Friday, July 31, 2009

What to do???!!!!!!!

Braces are outrageous!!! I (thankfully) have great insurance-and I'm thankful for that!! Being faced with a $3,000 expense without both parents participating=not my idea of fun! Lauren will be getting braces in September. The first appt is Sept 3rd and they'll finish them up Sept 17th. She is entirely worth it, I just hope I can pull it off:)

We will be doing a small bday this coming Wed for Lauren. Then next Sat we will go to Worlds of Fun for her birthday. She wants all kinds of (big ticket) items for her birthday. Don't really know yet what we'll do...guess I should figure out what it is! Wish me luck on bday and braces. I know everything will come together-as it has a way of doing always-i just stress...always.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Big Day Tomorrow!!!

Lauren goes to the orthodontist tomorrow!! We'll find out what they suggest and the (dreaded) cost. Keep your fingers crossed that it's reasonable!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Kids are now eligible to EARN an allowance...although I wish SOMEBODY would've discussed the amount with me before telling the kids!!! Natalie and I went out last night to get her a wallet for her to hold her $. She was telling everyone that she gets an allowance, it was so cute!! Since somebody (initials DJ) did not discuss the amount with me-I told them they have to save 1/2 of each allowance!!!
I got to see my little cousin Molly yesterday..I hadn't seen her since Julie's wedding, I was so happy-and my Grandmother was over the moon!!!
Dean's games got rained out today-so we're stuck with him:)
Have a great day!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Changes...READY for this week!!

Here it is Sunday night..this weekend FLEW by!!
I am ready for Lauren to be home!!! One week from tomorrow!! It can't go fast enough..I miss her so much!
Hopefully our news will come through this week. Could be one of the most life changing weeks I've had in my 30 years, and for some reason (and completely out of character) I'm not even nervous. I welcome the change!!! Wow how things change!!!
I guess it's time for me to relax, start of another work week tomorrow:)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I miss worlds of fun!!!

Well...really I miss Lauren!! I know that whe she gets home that will be one of the first things on her 'to do' list!!! Fine with me:)
I thought my pending big news may have been out the door..but I am not quite sure. Much stress right the point of massive headache tonight. I haven't had one in two years..but I feel it coming on.
By the way..Chipotle=SICK!!!