Monday, November 30, 2009

Do the kids need training...or is it the parents?

WOW....Lauren and I went out to dinner this evening, and there were two little boys running, yelling and jumping ALL over the place! At first I was thinking what little stinkers they were, and the poor parents that have to curb that behavior. WELL...we saw one of the parents-and he was doing nothing of the sort!! He was on his cell phone nearly the entire time. By the end of their dinner, my pitty was for the kids who have no chance if their parents won't correct them!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I had forgotten a particular person knew about this blog..turns out that he-or she (who will remain nameless FOR NOW) is not losing interest in the not-so-interesting happenings of my life!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

When will it be over???!!!!

Lauren got sick just a bit ago AGAIN! 7th time!! It is just past 7:30 AM, and she should be at school right now:( She is sad that she'll miss the veteran's assembly today. She had invited the preacher so she feels bad for having to miss it.

Not for a weak tummy!

That should be a warning slip for motherhood! Lauren just threw up for the third time (I think it's nearly 3 AM)..thankfully this time all liquid. She is so cute-for some reason after she does it each time she feels she has to apologize to me. I keep telling her no problem-I love her and I'm sorry she feels bad. Hopefully this will pass quickly!! She has had it rough this flu season.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I got to keep my niece Friday night-which I LOVE!! Lauren was excited to be home for this over-nighter..last time she had to visit her dad. Anyway..Abigail has not lost her natural ability to produce the atomic poo bomb. She did do a good job using the toilet to potty. Saturday I took the girls for a snack and play place at McD's..good cheap fun. I couldn't help but think of all the germs flying around the place!! I love having her around:)
Lauren is back to school tomorrow after last weeks bug..okay-she just threw up all over the floor-never mind!!


I got to keep my niece Friday night-which I LOVE!! Lauren was excited to be home for this over-nighter..last time she had to visit her dad. Anyway..Abigail has not lost her natural ability to produce the atomic poo bomb. She did do a good job using the toilet to potty. Saturday I took the girls for a snack and play place at McD's..good cheap fun. I couldn't help but think of all the germs flying around the place!! I love having her around:)
Lauren is back to school tomorrow after last weeks bug..okay-she just threw up all over the floor-never mind!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

what's the scoop with blogger??!

Why does it not update me lately? Have I somehow upset the blogger powers that be? Who knows!!
Anyway..another good day! Dean went along with me to church. My mother took us all out for lunch. My grandmother and a high school classmate of her's came out to church and joined us for lunch. Dean and I have done some browsing this afternoon. We have been wanting to try a new shop we had seen on the food channel-so we found it and LOVED it!! We went for a walk down by the river-LOVING this weather! I have really enjoyed him the past couple days. It's nice to not have the kids under our feet every step. I love them all-but I do enjoy some adult time.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Well...anyway you may say's our 100th post. Not much going on, new anyway. Lauren has been having a tough start to the 2nd quarter of school-but I'm confident she can get through. She is doing a GREAT job w/her braces. I am really proud of her! Dean and I had a really nice (and mostly kid free) day together. We both worked this morning-went to Natalie's last soccer game, had some lunch-saw a movie...and he bought me new shoes tonight. Shoes that he even picked out-so I was proud of that. What was the BEST of the shoe trip is they were originally $110...and we got them for $39!!! My man can bargain shop..he's the best:) My sweet little niece has said her first naughty word..hopefully she'll not make a habit of it!