Saturday, May 16, 2009

LONG day:)

Well...we closed down the park this evening! All three of the kiddos did a pretty good job today. We got there around 2:30-ish...and left at ten tonight. I'm amazed nobody cracked by that time. (honestly, I came close) I guess we're going back again tomorrow...shocked??.....nope, neither am I!!! Once we got into the car, all three of the kids we're already planning what they wanted to ride first tomorrow.
I got some pictures today, I'll have to try to remember to load them tomorrow. My camera went home with Dean.
We were going to go up to the farm tomorrow for Memorial Day (well, memorial day-ish) grave duty...but my grandmother excused Lauren from it. She knows they all have such a good time going to Worlds of Fun, and it certainly beats driving 2 hours up to the farm to drive around cemeteries for hours...then followed by a long drive home.
I would just like to say I am proud of my daughter...and Dean's kids...and the church kids!!! From what I saw today at worlds of fun...countless kids throwing trash on the ground, cussing, horrible PDA, running around carelessly and nearly running into little ones...I am so happy that our kids (mine, his, church acquaintances) show more respect then that. Way to go parents!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Can you guess what we're doing this weekend??!!!

Yes...we're going to Worlds of Fun!! Hopefully the weather will far what I am seeing for tomorrow is high 60's & sunny. We'll take it!!! Dean has agreed to ride The I'm going to see that happens:) I was impressed last time when he got on the Timberwolf and the Prowler.
Lauren has been wanting to have a garage sale, so I am going to start getting stuff together again for that. She rarely wants to part with anything, so we'll give it a shot. I have been wanting to get rid of my tv cabinet, it's just too big. I love it for the fact it closes completely and looks like a piece of pretty furniture rather than an entire wall consuming monstrosity that shows an ugly tv all the time!!! But...I really don't have much room for it now:(

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Strictly for the sake of having pictures...

Some of these photos are old...I just love the faces Abigail is making, and what better time is there then when both Smith girls are fast asleep and QUIET!!!
Then there is a "before" the too much hair cut haircut photo, and an "after." Granted...the after is not a good photo, I will get one tonight from Nathan's graduation.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Too Much Hair Cut, haircut

I'll have to get the photos up of it on the laptop, since it is on my phone...but I took Lauren in for a trim...and it is SHORT!!!
Here are some pictures though, some when we had Dean's kids at Worlds of Fun, some me and Lauren. We have gotten our $$ out of those now for sure...and the summer hasn't even started. Best Christmas idea we had last year...and I think we'll continue it each year!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Worlds of Fun Weekend!!

We have pictures...but I can't get the card into this computer, so I'll have to take care of that later!! We had quite the weekend...Friday night Lauren and I got to ride the Prowler. Season pass holders got to go for a preview of it and FREE food, always good!!! Saturday all of us went, and again today. I was really shocked at how good the kiddos did...better than me, I am EXHAUSTED!!!
On the way out today we went to Wal Mart for some treats to take along and paper for a homework project...and here it is 10:00, and we don't have the paper. Wal Mart was just a bust today. Trouble with the card machine, didn't make anyone AT ALL happy. So, now the better half (better as in, claiming he is usually the one who has it more together, WELL) is off to Wal Mart! Poor thing, he's wiped out too. He was wonderful enough to do the yard work at my grandmother's this evening. (all to spare my new shoes from being dyed green) He has his great moments!!!
Lauren's eye seems to be improving...she had her first round with pink eye this week. She handled it really well, but has to finish her eye drops. Hopefully nobody in school ends up developing it. It didn't look to me to be too much fun!!
This Wednesday is the Grand Prix at church...I was a slacker and didn't get Lauren a car kit. So we're going to re-do one of her old cars so she can compete again. She always enjoys participating.
Hopefully we'll get to watch Abigail sometime this week. She is always a great de-stresser for Aunt Shannie!!! I just love her:)
Have a wonderful week!!