Saturday, February 16, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Okay...I'll have to do one and then get Lauren to do one also. Six things you may not know about'll be boring for sure, I think everyone knows most everything there is to know

1. I wrote a poem after my grandpa died that was published
2. My right leg is shorter than my left by almost a full inch. (I was told once it was due to me being a breach baby..HMM)
3. I am terrified of complete darkness.
4. When I was young, (probably up to 4 yrs old) I cried uncontrollably when I would have pictures taken...then I would cry when I looked at pics of myself.
5. I am totally blind (couldn't even read my speedometer w/out aid)
6. 27 Dresses was based on my life...j/k, but it really feels like it!! Always a bridesmaid, never a bride:)

1 comment:

Elisa Seaba said...

You will have to share your poem sometime Shannon. I am with you on the darkness thing. I would sleep with a lamp on if my husband didn't have to have it pitch dark :)