Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Weekend

Tomorrow morning we have the Easter egg hunt at church...I'm sure it will be a zoo of kids!! Lauren wants to wear her Easter dress to it, she is having a hard time catching on that she doesn't need to dress up for this. (not as though she has never been to one at our church before!!)
Hopefully Paula will let me use her camera:) Dean has mine, hopefully I can get it back from him Sunday!!
Lauren and my mom are going to do some eggs tonight. I really don't remember doing any when I was little...but I'm getting old so I could just be forgetting!!
61 days
1470 hours

UNTIL MY 30TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But who's counting?? Something has gone horribly wrong with this post...I am having a difficult computer day:)

Dean and I get to go see the 17 Again movie this coming Tuesday night. (don't remember if I've blogged that yet...see, getting old) I got an email the other day that I got passes to it..I'm really loving the free movies!! This one is PG-13, so Lauren won't get to go:( She is pretty bummed to be missing out on Zac Efron!! Such a little girl, getting older everyday. Scary!!

1 comment:

The Smith World said...

something went wrong with that post!! Sorry...I'm obviously computer illiterate tonight:)