It amazes me more and more as I get older how people (adults who should know better) thrive on putting others down. More often than not I can be in a great mood-and somebody comes along BOUND & DETERMINED to rain on my parade. STOP IT!!! And more importantly, self, stop allowing it to happen. I have had SO much (what I call) DEAP time lately...Drop Everything And Pray...but I still am discouraged with myself that I allow things under my skin before I get there. I shouldn't let things frustrate me so-but I'm only human. I know my prayers should be that I hope for others to escape the urge to bring down others...(Once again-only human) that is my goal. (And I could use your thoughts & prayers please) Nobody (and their satan driven hatred/behaviors) should EVER fluster me!!! Here's to turning over a new leaf. Along with prayers for myself/friends/family...I need to think of those who do not always please me. They need it too!